Important Facts About Hajj

Hajj is no doubt a blessed pilgrimage that each Muslim tries to set out every year. There is a huge number of Muslims who offer Hajj. Muslims first get suitable Cheap Hajj Packages then travel to house of Allah. Most is basic to guarantee that Hajj is performed in the best expectations as well as in the right way. All things considered there is a huge amount of data identified with Hajj including vital Hajj certainties that all Muslims ought to know about. Here we will lay out a couple of vital points of interest for our readers keeping in mind the end goal to get them additionally familiar with this immensely important and complex custom. o There are 5 pillars of Islam. Hajj is the fifth. o Performing Hajj is mandatory on each Muslim (physically and financially fit) at any rate once in their life time. o Hajj occurs on the eighth to twelfth of Dhul Hijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar.. o Muslims who...