Is Taraweeh Compulsory or Sunnah in Islam

When the month of Ramadan starts, the Muslim community enters into a period of discipline and worship, fasting and praying throughout the day and night. In the month of Ramadan, prayers that are offered at night beside the Isha prayer (5th prayer) are called the Taraweeh. In the Taraweeh, the Imam recites a long portion of the Holy book Quran. Five-time prayers daily are obligatory and Taraweeh is recommended (Sunnah). Taraweeh prayers are started after the time of Isha prayers. According to the Sahi Bukhari and Sahi Muslim, The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) prayed one and two nights in the mosque and people followed him but the 3rd and 4th-night Prophet (PBUH) didn’t show up. People asked about this then Prophet (PBUH) said that He (PBUH) feared that this prayer would be made compulsory for the Muslims. According to some scholars, the number of rakaat in Taraweeh is eight and according to the others, several rakaat in Taraweeh is twenty. All imams finish the whole...