Is Taraweeh Compulsory or Sunnah in Islam

When the month of Ramadan starts, the Muslim community enters into a period of discipline and worship, fasting and praying throughout the day and night. In the month of Ramadan, prayers that are offered at night beside the Isha prayer (5th prayer) are called the Taraweeh.

In the Taraweeh, the Imam recites a long portion of the Holy book Quran. Five-time prayers daily are obligatory and Taraweeh is recommended (Sunnah). Taraweeh prayers are started after the time of Isha prayers.

According to the Sahi Bukhari and Sahi Muslim, The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) prayed one and two nights in the mosque and people followed him but the 3rd and 4th-night Prophet (PBUH) didn’t show up. People asked about this then Prophet (PBUH) said that He (PBUH) feared that this prayer would be made compulsory for the Muslims.

According to some scholars, the number of rakaat in Taraweeh is eight and according to the others, several rakaat in Taraweeh is twenty. All imams finish the whole Quran in Ramadan on the date of 21, 23, 25, 27, and 29 because these are all special nights. All Muslims believe that the Holy Quran is completed in these nights. The other name of Taraweeh is Qayamul Layel.

Millions of Muslim tries to perform the Umrah during the month of Ramadan. Muslims offer the five-time prayers and Taraweeh's prayers in this month. Many Muslims travel for Umrah individually and in groups through Umrah Packages. Many Travel companies give the Cheap Ramadan Umrah Package to attract to perform the Umrah.

Taraweeh is a plural word and its singular word is Tarwih. Tarwih means “to sit” and rest and relaxation. Most of the sects believe that the Taraweeh is Sunnah but only one sect doesn’t believe in this. Shia’s sect doesn’t believe in Taraweeh because it was not prevalent during the time of Prophet (PBUH), Abu Bakr (RA.) and an initial period of Umar’s Caliphate.

According to Shia, Sunni scholars are unable to prove the Taraweeh was apply cabled and started in the days of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA.) which is the first Caliphate in the Islam. It starts at the time of Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA.) which is the second Caliphate in Islam.

Abdur Rehman bin’ Abdul Qari’ said: I went with Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA.) in the month of Ramadan to a mosque. We found the people praying in different groups and individually. Then Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA.) suggested that we should pray together behind the one Imam who will recite the Holy Quran.

Most of the scholars believe in the Taraweeh but other than those Shia scholars. We should follow the opinions of most scholars; therefore, we should offer the Taraweeh. Taraweeh is not obligatory and anyone can offer it at home but we should to offer any prayer as-Sunnah and obligatory in the congregation. In many countries, people prefer to Taraweeh in the month of Ramadan in the congregation as performing Umrah in Ramadan. May Allah give everyone a chance and opportunity to offer every prayer of Ramadan. Ameen


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