The Place Of Ibrahim In The Islam

Maqam-e-Ibrahim is known as the Station of Ibrahim is the large stone block on which Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) stood while building the upper walls of the Holy Kaaba. Where Maqam is an Arabic word which means a place or point. It is believed that this rock was sent from Paradise to Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) along with 2 rocks one of which is the Holy Black Stone, also known as Hajr e Aswad and 2nd is Maqam e Ibrahim.

The rock was moved further when the building of one side was completed and in this way, all the upper portion of Kaaba was built. When the building was completed, the rock was left there on the eastern side of the Holy Kaaba.

One of the miracles of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) is that when He stood on this stone during the construction, it became soft and his feet dived into the stone which resulted in making the impression of his feet on the stone. After many centuries, those marks are still on the stone.

Nowadays, Millions of Muslims want to see Miracles of different Prophets and Maqam-e-Ibrahim is one of these. Maqam-e-Ibrahim is placed in the mosque of Al-Haram, this mosque is placed in the Makkah which is the city of Saudi Arabi. Muslims (not residents of Saudi Arabia) visit this site during their Umrah throughout the year continuously by using Umrah Packages.

1: The height of Maqam e Ibrahim is 20cm: depth of one footprint is 10cm and 2nd is 9cm.

2: Today, the Maqam e Ibrahim is found in front of the entryway of Kaaba.

3: The place it stands is the spot where Prophet Ibrahim (AS) offered two rakat prayers after the completion of construction of Kaaba to Allah. Thus, its significance is that when the 7th round of the Tawaf is ended, 2 rakat of prayers are offered at this spot.

4: During the rule of Hazrat Umar bin Al-Khattab's (RA), he shifted the place and moved the Maqam more towards the east, so that the people who try to perform Tawaf are able to perform it conveniently, without being in the way for people who pray after completing their Tawaf next to Maqam e Ibrahim.

(During the Hajj season, it is not easy for everyone to sees and offers 2 rakkat closely to Maqam e Ibrahim because there are more rush of Pilgrims and Hajj is a little bit expensive worship nowadays, therefore, people get the Cheap Hajj Packages to perform their Hajj )

5: Allah ordered Muslims to pray next to Maqam e Ibrahim. The following are verses from the Holy Quran concerning to Maqam e Ibrahim and (mention) when We made the house a place of return for the people and (a place of) security.

-And take, (O believers), from the standing place of Ibrahim a place of prayer. And We charged Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS), (saying), Purify My House for those who perform Tawaf and those who are staying (there) for worship and those who bow and prostrate (in prayer).     Surah-Baqra-2:125

6: Maqam of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) has remained safe after so many years. The protection of this stone throughout history against solid enemies is a standout among Allah’s miracles.

Saeed bin Jubair (RA) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
-The stone is the station of Ibrahim. Allah made it soft and made it mercy. Ibrahim would stand on it and Ismail would hand the rocks up to him.

The stone itself is on a base of stone constructed over 20cm of marble that stands in the ground. The real impressions of Prophet Ibrahim's are of an oval rectangular shape and have been completely plated in silver. Due to the passing of time, its colors vary between shades of white, black and yellow. The 1st dome was placed over Maqam e Ibrahim in 810 H and it has been reconstructed at intervals.


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