Some Amazing Facts About Zamzam Water

People drink the water from well of Zamzam in Saudia during Umrah and Hajj. It is located in Makkah which is the holiest city of the world according to Muslims. It is placed a few meters away from the east of Kaaba and it is 35 m deep.

 The top of well is covered by an elegant dome. Millions of People take a part in performing Umrah every year and they drink it after completing the ritual of Tawaf during the Umrah and this number of pilgrims is increasing day by day. Most Muslims take it when they go to perform Umrah. They get help from travel agencies so that they can get the Best Umrah Packages All-Inclusive from these travel agencies.

History of Zamzam Water:

The history of Zamzam well goes back to the time of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) when Allah tested his Prophet by an order. This order was to leave his wife and son in deserts of Makkah’s place. In regard to following this order, Ibrahim (AS) left his wife and son in deserts with some food and little water. His son name was Ismail (AS) who was also a Prophet and his wife name was Hajra (RA) who was the second wife of Ibrahim (AS). At that time, Ismail (AS) was an infant.

 He (AS) started to cry when food and water were finished. He was feeling very thirst and hunger at that time. The Mother of Ismail (AS) tried to search for some water so that her son can quench his thirst. In this regarding, she climbed to the top of Hill Safa and then she climbed to the top of Hill Marwa, she repeats this action seven times but she failed to find any water.

 Allah sent an Angel Jibreel (AS) for the help of Hajra (AS). Jibreel (AS) struck the earth and then Zamzam water sprang from beneath the feet of Ismail (AS). Due to this incident, Makkah city was settled.

As The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said:

May Allah have mercy upon the mother of Ismail. If she had not hastened to take water, the Zamzam well would have become a flowing spring.

According to traditions, the holy well of Zamzam has been in use for around four thousand years except for the time when it became dry and was buried under the sand.

The names of Zamzam are several, but some of the familiar ones are:

Some amazing facts about Zamzam water:

Zamzam is a naturally purest water on earth. Total deepness of this well is only 5 feet from any other source of water.

It has been scientifically proved that Zamzam water contains healing qualities due to the higher content of Calcium and Magnesium Salts and natural fluorides (encompass a germicidal action).

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

The best water on the face of the earth is the water of Zamzam; it is a type of food and a healing from sickness.
(Sahi al-jaami)

Zamzam water can be used as an alternative to food. A person can survive only on Zamzam water.

Abu Dharr (RA) reported that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

How long have you been here?
Abu Dharr said:
I have been for 30 days and nights.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said,
Who has been feeding you?
He Said,
I have had nothing but Zamzam water, and I have gotten so the fat that I have folds of fat on my stomach.
I don’t feel any of the tiredness or weakness of hunger and I have not become thin.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
Verily, it is blessed; it is food that nourishes.”

Zamzam water is free of pollution. Usually, algae or bacteria change the taste and smell of water of any well whereas Zamzam well is pure from algae or bacteria and germs because its color, smell, and taste are not changed.

If anyone drinks the Zamzam for fulfilling any need or desire then he/she will get his/her desire. For example, healing from sickness or free from poverty and distress.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

The water of Zamzam is for whatever it is drunk for.
(Ibn Maajah)

In the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Muslims kept fast with the water of Zamzam.

There are several points of Zamzam water for men and women in the Al-Haram Mosque. Nobody can sell the Zamzam water in UAE because it is illegal. The Saudi Government has banned all commercial export of Zamzam water from the Kingdom.

Muslims take this water with them when they return from Umrah and Hajj. They get this water in the gallon. They divide it into their relatives as a gift. If anyone wants to perform Umrah and Hajj from the UK then he/she can get the help from any Umrah travel agency, for example, Labbaik Hajj Umrah.


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