The First Ten Days Of Ramadan

Ramadan is a Great Holy Month in Islam. The fasting in this month is one of five pillars of Islam. It is obligatory for every Muslim when he/she reaches the age of puberty. Time of fasting starts from the dawn and ends on the sunset. It consists of 3 stages or Ashras.

It is the ninth month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar. The date of Ramadan is changed in every year. Nowadays, the month of Ramadan has started on 11 March 2024 in Europe, USA, UK, and UAE whereas it is started on 12 March 2024 in other Asian countries.

What is the First Ashra, Stage of Ramadan?

The 1st Ashra, Stage is of Mercy. Muslims should seek the mercy of Allah in this month. They should properly offer all five prayers in a day. They should spend their time to recite the Holy Quran.
Most of Muslims want to spend their time of Ramadan in Saudi Arabia because of the Umrah. In this month, Umrah equals to Hajj in the term of rewards.

They can get these rewards with the help of best travel agency which makes their Umrah ease by providing the Ramadan Umrah Packages.

A Hadith Qudsi about the mercifulness of Allah:

O son of Adam! However much you call upon Me (Allah) and place your hopes in Me, I will forgive you without any reservation.

O son of Adam! If you have sins piling up to the clouds and then ask My (Allah) forgiveness, I will forgive you without any reservation.

O son of Adam! If you come to me with enough mistakes to fill the Earth, and meet Me without associating anything as a partner with Me, I will come to you with enough forgiveness to fill the Earth.”

What a Muslim do in the Ramadan?

Muslim should pass the month of Ramadan with making some habits.

Muslims do not eat and drink during the fasting. Muslims stop to eat themselves when the time of dawn starts and it is called Suhoor. Muslims start to eat when the time of dusk starts and it is called iftar.

A Muslim should offer Taraweeh prayers. He/she should make Dua with every prayer at the starting time of fast and at the ending time of fast. Muslims should pay some charity which is essential for him/her. Here charity means Zakah or Zakat.

Most of Muslims prefer the last days of Ramada to pay the Zakat because of earning more rewards. Allah loves those who help the people at that time when they need. Best opinion for all Muslims who find the Ramadan that they should start to help the needy people in the early days of this month because nobody knows when his/her time will be finished.

A verse from the Holy Quran for Sadaqah:

If you disclose your Sadaqah, it is well; but if you conceal (disguise) them and give them to the poor, that is better for you.

Muslim should avoid himself/herself from backbiting, lying, arguing, arrogance, overeating, and food wastage in this month. Muslims should control his/her anger. They should respect their parents and other elders. Muslims should be kind to children.

Muslims should follow all good deeds so that they easily get the grace and mercy of Allah because in this month if one recites a word from the Holy Quran then Allah provides the seventy rewards besides the one reward.


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