How to Perform Umrah Step by Step

Umrah means a visit to a populated place, everyone wants to perform it at least one time in mortal life whereas it is not necessary because it is a Sunnah. Hajj is compulsory for those persons who can bear the expenses of it. It is not for us that we always leave the Sunnah without any reason because this is the act of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

In fact, Umrah is a sacred journey for Muslims because in this journey they can visit the Kaaba (House of Allah) and Mounts of Safa and Marwah. It is wrong thought in the mind of people that if they do not go to Masjid E Nabvi then their Umrah is not completed.

There is no doubt in this Hadiths in which Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) stated, “Don’t prepare yourself for a journey except to 3 Mosques: Al-Haram Mosque, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and my Mosque”.

It is proved by hadith that there are three Mosques for earning big rewards.

As our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) stated:

The prayer in my mosque is better than one thousand prayers in any other mosque with the exception of the al-Haram Mosque and a prayer in al-Haram mosque is better than one hundred thousand prayers.”

In Madina, there are many historical places which are directly related to our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), therefore, everyone wants to visit these sites. If a person wants to perform Umrah then he/she will need the Best Travel Agency, which will arrange various Umrah Packages all inclusive for customers. In these packages, he/she gets different Ziyarats in Makkah and Madina.

What are the steps of Umrah?

The first step of Umrah: Ihram

It is a special dress but it is different for men and women. Men wear two unsewn sheets; one covered upper body of men and second covered lower body of men. Men cannot wear any other item with Ihram as underwear, shirt, turban, hat, and pant. Ihram must be in color of white.

Women can wear normal dresses but they should cover their normal dresses with Abayas. This is called Ihram for a woman. There is not any restriction for the color of Ihram, most of the women select the colors of Abayas; white & black. They should uncover their faces and hands in the state of Ihram.

Ihram is worn at the Miqat, the number of Miqats are five for coming pilgrims from other places except Makkah. The number of Miqats are three for Makkah’s people. Most people wear Ihram on the airplane. Some of them wear Ihram on airports and some wear it from homes. When anyone enters the state of Ihram, rules of Ihram are applicable to him/her.

After the state of Ihram, pilgrims should recite the Talbiyah and they should stop it before the second step of Umrah. Men should loudly recite the Talbiyah while women should not loudly recite it.

The second step of Umrah: Tawaf

It is only performed in al-Haram Mosque, in this part, Muslims perform Tawaf around the Kaaba. Tawaf basically consists of seven circles around the Kaaba. The point of each circle starts from Hajre Aswad, Therefore, Muslims start each circle with touching and kissing of Hajre Aswad. Due to the rush of pilgrims, Muslims can start the circle without touching and kissing of Hajre Aswad, they can complete it by raising hands at the point of Hajre Aswad.

After this, they should offer 2 rakats of prayer in front of Maqam e Ibrahim. It is not necessary for women to offer rakats in front of Maqam e Ibrahim. They can offer it at any safe place of the mosque where the rush of pilgrims is low.

Allah says in the Quran:

And take you the Maqam of Ibrahim as a place of Prayer” (2:125)

The third step of Umrah: Saee

The act of running between two hills of Safa and Marwah is called Saee. This act was started by the mother of Ismail (AS), who ran between two hills for searching the water so that she could finish her child’s thirst.

The woman should not run between these hills rather they should just fast walk between Safa and Marwah. Muslims run seven times between these hills which is started from the Safa and it is ended on the Marwah.

If any person wants to visit this the site who is a resident of the United Kingdom then it is the best option for all residents of UK; Umrah Packages 2024 only for this year according to most of the travel agencies of the UK.

The fourth/last step of Umrah: Shave the Head or Cut the Hairs

After completing all the steps which have above described. Muslims should cut the hairs for leaving the state of Ihram. If they don’t perform this step then they break the rule of Ihram and they should pay the penalty. Men should shave their heads whereas women should cut the hairs only for one joint of a finger. Women should cut the hairs at that place where non-Mahram is not placed around them, there is the best option for a woman to cut the hairs is a hotel where she temporary stay for Umrah.

May Allah give a chance to every Muslims so that they can visit all holy places which are related to our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).


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