6 Most Sacred Places To Visit In Makkah

In general, Ziyara or Ziyarat means visiting the site but in Islam, this word means to those place which is associated with Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers. 

During the Hajj and Umrah journeys, Muslims visit these holy places which associated with the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), his relatives and his companions and other prophets.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) passed his most time in both holy cities Makkah and Madinah. Makkah is that city where Muslims go to perform Hajj and Umrah. Umrah is Sunnah whereas Hajj is compulsory (fard).

We only discuss here those Ziyarat places which are visited by pilgrims specifically during the Umrah journey. Most travel agencies don't provide ziyarat transportation inclusively in the provided packages, that I always recommend Labbaik Hajj Umrah. They have a very wide range of cheap Umrah packages. Well, return to the topic.

There are Ziyarah places in the Makkah.

1. Masjid Al Haram

Kaaba is also called Baitullah or the house of Allah. It is the delight of a Muslim. There is only one wish of every Muslim to see Kaaba and touch Hajr-e-Aswad with the hands. The rights and Rituals of Umrah are known to every Pilgrim. So In Masjid Al Haram, you will See Kaaba, Kiswa, Hajr-e- Aswad, Maqam e Ibrahim, Safa and Marwah, and drink the Blesses ZamZam water.

2. Masjid-e- Aisha

Masjid-e- Aisha is the second largest Mosque in Makkah. Masjid-e- Aisha has a capacity of 47,084 worshipers who can pray in it. It is also called Al-Rajhi mosque and is located in Al-Naseem neighbourhood. It is the place where people of Mecca put Ihram and people doing subsequent Umrah renew their Ihram.

3. Jabal Al-Rahma

The hillock where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) delivered his last sermon 14 centuries ago is known as Jabal-al-Rahma. It is one of the most popular places in the list of Ziyarat in Makkah. A small white pillar placed on top of the mount is the very spot where the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would stand. All the Muslims wish to offer Prayer there.
This is the very place where the prophet Adam and Hawa got reunited on earth after they were forgiven by Allah Almighty. During hajj days on 9th of Dhil Hijah, the hajj pilgrims gather here.

4. Jannat al-Mualla (Cemetery in Makkah)

Jannat al-Mualla also is known as Al-Hajun. The Prophet [PBUH] used to visit it frequently. It is the 2nd holiest graveyard after Baqi. Some of the People who are buried here are:
  • Abd Manaf: Great, great-grandfather of the Holy Prophet [PBUH]
  • Grave of Hashim: Great-grandfather of Prophet [PBUH]
  • Grave of Abdul Muttalib: Grandfather of Muhammad [PBUH]
  • Grave of Aminah: Mother of the Holy Prophet [PBUH] *According to another source, Aminah[RA] is buried in Abwa (between Makkah and Madina)
  • Grave of Khadija: First wife of the Holy Prophet [PBUH] and mother of Sayyida Fatima [RA]
  • Qasim: son of the Holy Prophet [PBUH] who died in his infancy

5. Masjid Jin

Masjid Jin is located near Jannat Al Mualla. It is also a historical place in the history of Islam. Once the Holy Prophet (SAW) was reciting the Holy Quran in this mosque at that time, a group of Jinn passing by heard the recitation and stopped to listen more. At that time, a group of Jinn (Spirits) accepted Islam.

6. Jabal Nur or the Cave of Hira

It is the mountain on which the cave of Hira is located. The Historic Cave of Hira is the one where the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would meditate before his prophethood. He (PBUH) received his first revelation at that place.

All those people who are physically fit to climb up the mountain and they want to visit Jabal Nur or the cave of Hira at least once in their lives to see the place. They want to see where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to spend time alone. This is the reason it is one of the most frequently visited Ziyarat places in Makkah.

There are a lot of Ziarat places but here is mentioned some important of them. Verily, visiting the holy places is always the dream of every Muslim that where Islamic religion started. These places are very important for us to realize how our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) passed his life in Makkah.

After visiting these sites, Muslims can strengthen their faith. 


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